Hunting waffle


  • Flour: 1000g

  • Fresh yeast: 50g

  • Butter: 200g

  • Eggs: 2

  • Milk: 0,50 cl

  • Sachets of vanilla sugar: 3

  • Pearl sugar (P3 or P4) or (C30, 35 or C40)*: 400g

  • A pinch of salt: 1

  • A pinch of cinnamon

* P3 = 4 - 5,6 mm / P4 = 5,6 - 8 mm
* C30 = 3,2 - 5,6 mm / C35 = 4 - 6 mm / C40 = 6 - 9,5 mm


  • Step 1

    Dilute the yeast in tepid milk and add the beaten eggs.

  • Step 2

    Create a well in the centre of the flour and add salt around the edge.

  • Step 3

    Add the milk, yeast and eggs and gradually incorporate the flour.

  • Step 4

    Incorporate the softened butter and beat until you get a thick batter. Add milk if necessary.

  • Step 5

    Leave the batter to rest for 45 minutes.

  • Step 6

    Add the vanilla sugar, pearl sugar and leave the batter to rest again for 30 minutes.

  • Step 7

    Create small balls.


  • Cooking temperature ± 180° = Position 6

  • Cooking time: +/- 3 min.